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Tobacco control: monitoring, research and prevention

The Netherlands Expertise Center for Tobacco Control (NET) was established in 2013 as part of the Trimbos Institute. Tobacco control researchers and experts at NET actively translate knowledge and findings from research into practice and policy recommendations.

We develop (through scientific research) and share (through literature reviews) evidence-based knowledge about preventing tobacco use, reducing exposure to tobacco smoke, smoking cessation and effective tobacco control policy measures. Our work includes:

Wondering what the main data collection methods related tot tobacco use in the Netherlands are? An elaborate description can be found in our fact sheet 'Collecting data on tobacco use in the Netherlands'. 

National statistics on smoking

Key statistics on smoking

In collaboration with Central Bureau of Statistics Netherlands and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, NET researchers analyze and reports on the smoking-related behavior of adults in the Netherlands. Using data derived from the Health Survey database, NET develops and disseminates reports on tobacco use, smoking cessation, tobacco smoke exposure, and electronic cigarette use among adults in the Netherlands.
Contact: Jeroen Bommelé

Fact sheet: Key statistics 2022

Monitor on Substance Use and Pregnancy

The Dutch Monitor on Substance Use and Pregnancy is a population-based cross-sectional study of women’s smoking, drinking, and drug use before, during, and after pregnancy. Data were collected in 2016, 2018, and 2021. NET uses these data to develop and disseminate reports about women’s tobacco use and exposure as related to pregnancy and the early post-partum period.
Contact person: Tessa Scheffers - van Schayck

Fact sheet: Monitor on substance use and pregnancy

Dutch National School Survey on Substance Use

The Dutch National School Survey on Substance Use monitors substance use and mental health among 10 to 18 year old children in the Netherlands. The study has been carried out every four years since 1984. The survey data shows trends in mental health status and in the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs by children in the Netherlands. Participating children answer questions about their substance use, social media use, gaming, and school-related stress and pressure. The results are used by schools, governments, and healthcare organizations to produce new or better policies. Karin Monshouwer is the lead researcher.

Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)

Health Behaviour in School-aged Children is a broad international study into the health and well-being of children and students (age 12 to 16). Topics include: smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, mental health and relationships. Together with Utrecht University the Trimbos Institute provides the Dutch angle of the study. HBSC allows researchers to compare national data with other countries. Also HBSC-data helps to produce better prevention programs. The lead scientist is Saskia van Dorsselaer.

Monitors on sustance use among students

NET contributes to two national monitors on substance use among students: one monitor among 16-18 year old schoolchildren in intermediate and higher vocational education, and one monitor among students in higher professional and academic education.

Contact: Jolien Dopmeijer (higher professional and academic education) and Saskia van Dorsselaer (intermediate and higher vocational education)

A Smoke-free society

Smoke-free start in maternity care

The Taskforce Smoke-Free Start, which was initiated in 2015, is a nationwide consortium of 9 professional associations and several expert partners involved in birth and youth health care in the Netherlands. The Taskforce stimulates multidisciplinary smoking cessation care to help women and their partners quit smoking before, during, and after pregnancy. The Taskforce promotes multidisciplinary smoking cessation care. Professionals involved in the Taskforce work in primary and secondary birth care, maternity care, youth health care, addiction care, and smoking cessation services.

Contact: Sanne de Josselin de Jong
Fact sheet: Smoke-Free Start Taskforce
Fact sheet: Smoking cessation counselling in maternity care in the Netherlands
Fact sheet: Dutch Youth Health Care: From smoke free houses to smoke free parents

Smoke-free healthcare

Smoke-free Healthcare aims to achieve a smoke-free (health)care system in the Netherlands by 2030. The project supports (health)care organizations by sharing best practices, materials and experiences from organizations that implemented smoke-free policies.

Contact: Emma Koopman

Local Tobacco control policies

NET supports municipalities and other organizations in the Netherlands as they develop local tobacco control policies, including establishing smoke-free public spaces, in order to protect the lives and health of children. This work is often conducted as part of the Towards a Smoke-free Generation movement. The Towards a Smoke-free Generation movement, initiated in 2015, is a national effort that strives to ensure that all children in the Netherlands grow up completely smoke free.
Contact: Jeroen Bommelé

Fact sheet: Local tobacco control policies in the Netherlands

Smoking cessation


The Public Information department of the Trimbos Institute provides reliable, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand information and advice about mental health, problematic gaming and gambling, and the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. In 2016, the Trimbos Institute’s public information website on smoking cessation (ikstopnu.nl) and the national smoking cessation telephone quitline (de Stoplijn) were established. In 2019 a chat service was added. In 2021, ikstopnu.nl was visited by 493,530 unique individuals; the national smoking cessation telephone quitline and chat service (de Stoplijn) answered more than 3200 questions about smoking cessation.

Contact person: Monique Croes

Fact sheet: Public Information Annual report 2022

European Quitlines

In 2020, NET initiated a network for tobacco quitlines in Europe to exchange best practices, new insights, and latest developments in the field of smoking cessation and tobacco products.
Contact person: Milly Neuman

International projects and collaborations

National Collaboration

As a national expertise center, NET collaborates with national tobacco control stakeholders. These include:

  • The Netherlands Health Funds for Smoke Free (GvRV);
  • The Partnership Stop Smoking, which is hosted by the Trimbos Institute. This partnership is responsible for the implementation of the national clinical guidelines for the treatment of tobacco addiction in the Netherlands;
  • The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands, particularly its WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Product Regulation and Control;
  • The Netherlands Network for Tobacco Researchers (NNvT), which is coordinated by NET. NNvT promotes knowledge sharing between tobacco and nicotine researchers in the Netherlands and includes a yearly national tobacco control research conference;
  • Pharos (Dutch Center of Expertise on Health Disparities)
  • The Department of Health Promotion at Maastricht University. The International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands research study is hosted by Maastricht University.


The Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport (VWS) is the primary funder of NET’s activities and publications. Additional sources of funding are project grants from national and international public foundations, municipalities, and health charities such as the Dutch Cancer Society and the Lung Foundation Netherlands. None of NET’s activities or staff are funded by the tobacco industry.